Learn to understand the main ideas of complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics, including technical discussions in your field of specialization.
In this course, you will interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party.
You will also be able to produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects and explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options.
Course Sub-Levels
Each language level is divided into multiple sublevels, which can be further broken down into smaller stages to ensure a gradual and comprehensive learning process.
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Course Topics:
Unit 1: education in Italy;
Unit2: food lovers.
Revision of previous contents, the use of the auxiliary verbs at present perfect, some pronominal verbs, revision of indicative past tenses, indefinite pronouns, future perfect, the passive construction with the particle si.
Textbooks: Maria Balì and Irene Dei, Nuovo espresso 4. Libro dello studente e esercizi. Corso di italiano B2. Con CD-Audio: B2 (Firenze: Alma, 2017). Units 1-2.
By the end of this course, learners will be able to:
read texts, listen and comprehend audio-visual sources on the topic of primary, secondary and tertiary education in Italy, learning modes, education abroad, eating habits, cooking skills, cooking techniques.
talk about school memories, school habits, personal education, personal relationship with food, personal cooking skills, share recipes, describe cooking procedures.
express their opinions regarding education in a country, describe and discuss the educational system in their own country, criticise and support opinions, agree and disagree with a statement, describe preferences and habits.
Course Topics:
Unit 3: information sharing;
Unit 4: world of work (part 2).
Revision of previous contents, adverbs allora and un giorno, numerals used as nouns, conditional mode to talk about uncertain news, non perchè + subjunctive, indirect interrogatives, the use of subjunctive in relative sentences and with relative superlative, gerundive with causal and hypothetical value, tenses agreement with conditional and subjunctives modes.
Textbooks: Maria Balì and Irene Dei, Nuovo espresso 4. Libro dello studente e esercizi. Corso di italiano B2. Con CD-Audio: B2 (Firenze: Alma, 2017). Units 3-4.
By the end of this course, learners will be able to:
read texts, listen and comprehend audio-visual sources dedicated to the topics of information sharing, the world of news and news delivery, news delivery channels, statistics, the role of social media, world of work, evolving professional figures, work conditions, job market
comment and analyse statistics, discuss events happened in past centuries, talk about their jobs, express themselves in a clear and courteous way in a formal context, discuss wishes and intentions, share information regarding their professions
express their opinions regarding news delivery formats, the role of social media, discuss their preferred ways of accessing information, provide their opinion on the world of work today, on evolving professional figures, and on work conditions, contextualising their opinions.
Course Topics:
Unit 5: talking about emotions;
Unit 6: talking about personal tastes.
Revision of previous contents, adjectives deriving from nouns, the pronominal verb uscirsene, some antonyms, different ways to express the hypothetical period, revision of hypothetical period of the third type (non-reality), come se and senza che + subjunctive, the position of the adjective in a sentence, the use of subjunctive in a negative main clause, perchè + subjunctive, fare + infinitive.
Textbooks: Maria Balì and Irene Dei, Nuovo espresso 4. Libro dello studente e esercizi. Corso di italiano B2. Con CD-Audio: B2 (Firenze: Alma, 2017). Units 5-6.
By the end of this course, learners will be able to:
read texts, listen and comprehend audio-visual sources on the expression of emotions and its related vocabulary, movies, film genres;
communicate about emotions, describe emotions through the use of relevant adjectives, describe movies, talk about film genres.
Course Topics:
Unit 7: visive arts and museums;
Unit 8: Italy, an environmentally friendly nation.
Revision of previous contents, revision of the use of prepositions in and a, revision of relative pronouns, relative pronouns il cui and il che, tenses agreement with subjunctive mode, the infinitive used as a noun, the position of pronouns with indirect modes and imperative, the position of adjectives in a sentence (revision), different uses of simple future.
Textbooks: Maria Balì and Irene Dei, Nuovo espresso 4. Libro dello studente e esercizi. Corso di italiano B2. Con CD-Audio: B2 (Firenze: Alma, 2017). Units 7-8.
By the end of this course, learners will be able to:
read texts, listening and comprehending audio-visual sources on museums and Italian art heritage, places of arts, Italian visive art, renewable energies, environmentally friendly techniques, environment preservation.
describe a picture, focus on the details of a picture, talk about renewable energies.
provide suggestions on environmentally friendly techniques to be used in daily life, provide your insight on the topic of renewable energies and environmentally friendly techniques through contextualised examples.
Course Topics:
Unit 9: Italian regional and cultural identities;
Unit 10: Italian regional dialects.
Revision of previous contents, the position of the definite article with geographical names, revision of present and past gerundive, concessive gerundive, some expressions with pronominal verbs, nouns with two different plurals, subjunctive in comparative sentences, subjunctive with some consecutive sentences, revision of the use of mica, some colloquial expressions with pronominal verbs.
Textbooks: Maria Balì and Irene Dei, Nuovo espresso 4. Libro dello studente e esercizi. Corso di italiano B2. Con CD-Audio: B2 (Firenze: Alma, 2017). Units 9-10.
By the end of this course, learners will be able to:
read texts, listen and comprehend audio-visual sources fun facts about Italian geography and Italian political history, regional cultures, dialects, linguistic regional differences.
talk about different cultural and regional practices, recognise some linguistic differences in different regional contexts, talk about dialects and discuss their use in today’s life.
express their opinions on regional cultural diversity and on the use of dialects in a nation, express doubts and support their opinions with contextualised examples.
Course Topics:
Unit 1: Italian social habits;
Unit 2: Italian contemporary literature.
Revision of previous contents, some suffixes to form superlatives, some prefixes to be used with verbs and adverbs, future simple and future perfect in negative sentences, subjunctive in dislocated sentences, cleft sentences, pseudo-cleft sentences, interrogative and temporal cleft sentences, plusquamperfect preterite.
Textbooks: Maria Balì and Irene Dei, Nuovo espresso 5. Libro dello studente e esercizi. Corso di italiano C1. Con CD-Audio: C1 (Firenze: Alma, 2017). Units 1-2.
By the end of this course, learners will be able to:
read texts, listen and comprehend audio-visual sources on the social habits of the Italians, on their believes and cultural characteristics, on the history of Italian literature, on contemporary Italian literature and writers.
talk about the social habits of the Italians and compare them with those of their country, good and bad luck, stereotypes in Italy, characteristics of the Italians, literature genres from a historical and contemporary perspective, new literature trends.
express their opinions regarding social habits in Italy, discuss literature genres, express concepts on the analysed topics, support their opinions through contextualised examples.