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Learn to understand a wide range of demanding, longer texts, and recognise implicit meaning. In this course, you will be able to express yourself fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions. 

You will learn how to use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes

You will also be able to produce clear, well-structured, detailed texts on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.

Course Sub-Levels

Each language level is divided into multiple sublevels, which can be further broken down into smaller stages to ensure a gradual and comprehensive learning process.

Enrol now and start learning Italian!




Course Topics:

  • Unit 3: the relationship between the Italians and sport; 

  • Unit 4: world of art and emotions associated with it.





Tenses agreement with subjunctive (anteriority), tenses agreement with main clause at present conditional, regional uses of verbs essere/stare, avere/tenere, some uses of subjunctive in independent sentences, some uses of present and past participle, the adjective bello.

Textbooks: Maria Balì and Irene Dei, Nuovo espresso 5. Libro dello studente e esercizi. Corso di italiano C1. Con CD-Audio: C1 (Firenze: Alma, 2017). Units 3-4.


By the end of this course, learners will be able to:

  1. read texts, listen and comprehend audio-visual sources about sport culture, in particular about the relationship between the Italians and sport, regional variations of Italian language, world of Italian art, art and emotions

  2. talk about sport, talk about intentions and wishes, provide suggestions in the present and, in the past, recognise some regional variations of Italian, provide a clear description of an event or of a series of events

  3. express their opinions regarding sport and sport culture, use more complex adjectives to describe a person, a place, a situation, express concepts, opinions, doubts, express emotions, commands, hopes, doubts, formulate hypotheses, supporting their opinions through contextualised examples.




Course Topics:

  • Unit 5: ‘high-quality food’; 

  • Unit 6: ‘words in music’





Simple future and past conditional to express posteriority, past conditional + imperfect and plusquamperfect subjunctive, the adjectives buono and bello, the preposition che and its multiple functions, double relative pronouns chi and quanto, variations of the hypothetical period, se with a temporal and causal value.

Textbooks: Maria Balì and Irene Dei, Nuovo espresso 5. Libro dello studente e esercizi. Corso di italiano C1. Con CD-Audio: C1 (Firenze: Alma, 2017). Units 5-6.


By the end of this course, learners will be able to:

  1. read texts, listen and comprehend audio-visual sources about regional food, high quality food and its related terminology, Michelin-starred chef experience, music and its related vocabulary, Italian music genres.

  2. understand and correctly use terminology related to Italian gastronomy and world of music, talk about high-quality food, understand how to talk about future intentions, understand how to express regret and how to complain about present, past and future events, talk about the world of music, music genres by using the correct terminology, acquire knowledge regarding some ‘inappropriate’ forms in use in daily Italian, understand the different meanings of some homographic words.

  3. express their opinions on high-quality food, Michelin-rated restaurants, contemporary music genres, supporting their opinions through contextualised examples.




Course Topics:

  • Unit 7: being stylish, being cool; 

  • Unit 8: at the Opera





Present and past infinitive, revision of gerundive mode, da and per + infinitive, the adverb addirittura, more uses of the preposition da.

Textbooks: Maria Balì and Irene Dei, Nuovo espresso 5. Libro dello studente e esercizi. Corso di italiano C1. Con CD-Audio: C1 (Firenze: Alma, 2017). Units 7-8.


By the end of this course, learners will be able to:

  1. read texts, listen and comprehend audio-visual sources on fashion and its vocabulary, trends, theatre performance, Opera.

  2. communicate through the use of fashion-related terminology, Italian slang and expressions related to fashion’s sphere, talk about trends, gain knowledge on the history of Italian Opera, talk about theatre performances and Opera.

  3. express their opinions about fashion and its world, clothing and styles, share their tastes on the world of Opera and performance, supporting their opinions through contextualised examples.



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8:00 pm

Course Topics:

  • Unit 9: women of Italy; 

  • Unit 10: Italian language changes







Hypothetical period with an implicit hypothesis, connectors in the construction of the hypothetical sentence, the pleonastic value of non, some discursive signals, idiomatic superlatives, some pronominal verbs, imperative mode in the indirect speech.

Early Bird Price (9/01/25): $382 per 20 hours

Full Price: $450 per 20 hours

Discounted Price: $405 per 20 hours

Textbooks: Maria Balì and Irene Dei, Nuovo espresso 5. Libro dello studente e esercizi. Corso di italiano C1. Con CD-Audio: C1 (Firenze: Alma, 2017). Units 9-10.


By the end of this course, learners will be able to:

  1. read texts, listen and comprehend audio-visual sources on the topic of women and employment in Italy, women’s rights, some prominent female figure who made Italian history, how Italian language changes in an epoch of globalisation and social media.

  2. analyse and comprehend statistics on the topic of women’s employment in Italy, talk about how a language changes within its social and political context, talk about new Italian idiomatic expressions and new Italian words.

  3. express their opinions on the topic of women’s employment, working conditions and rights for women, make hypotheses and suggest ways to improve the analysed social conditions, express their opinions on the use of new words, idiomatic expressions and discursive signals, supporting their opinions through contextualised examples.

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